On Growing

(and a little red lipstick for inspiration) 

I am loving how we are all growing in these moments, forging ahead, 

despite adversity

people with shiny red lipstick from behind their smartphones and computers screens, 

rippling love out,

knowledge out, toward the world from social media platforms, with a desire to share the beautiful sparkly gems they have discovered in this beautiful new world. 

they have always known they have gifts, and now, being led by the nudge of yes, flow, do. 

to shine them bright.

In this isolation, solitude, rebirth, old timey life,

the alchemy from within needs to be conveyed.

I had no idea that I would grow into this and I am so excited that I did. 

Shedding the old to become me, has been scary and freeing all at once

Fear led me for too long and now, 

up leveling, growing into this shiny version that is my birthright, my truth,

 is exciting.

I listened to the inner voice, felt my feet on the ground and it shifted me. 

Truth flows out with joy and compassion, love and vulnerability, 

It feels scary, but necessary

toward flow, moving toward what is loving and compassionate and true toward me and toward humanity.

growth is painful, fun, essential to ascension, 

without growth we are stagnant, fear filled, stuck.

these times are challenging each one of us to move toward this flow. 

To trust, to inspire, ourselves first, and then,

ripple it out to shine our newfound alchemy on others.

Growth is going easy on ourselves amid the complexity of today, yesterday, and possibly again tomorrow.

To feel it all 

To embrace what comes

To be grateful for the moments that light us up, make us laugh, feed our body’s and those of others. 

Gratitude for growth,

Gratitude for the the moments we are blessed to have in this beautiful world

Those moments that we lean into flow

 the flow that allows us to feel, be and see my truth

connecting me to the wonders between earth and sky

That makes me want to put on red lipstick, put on my camera and inspire out from within our quieter world, our four walls 

but most importantly 

from within us.

By A. Gagne


The Certainty of Uncertain Times