On balancing feminine and masculine energies

Balancing feminine and masculine aspects of ourselves

Within every individual, both masculine and feminine energies coexist. Achieving equilibrium necessitates acknowledging and healing these internal masculine and feminine essences that might be holding us back from living more fully as ourselves.

In order to find balance, we must acknowledge, heal and embrace our internal masculine and feminine essences.

Being in too much of one or the other can cause us to feel out of touch and balance with our desires.

For me, it was too much masculine energy (from conditioned core beliefs) that was creating imbalance, too much work and not enough play, rest and joy.

Once I stepped more into the feminine aspects of myself and that of the world, I began to feel less anxious, more fulfilled, more RESTED.

How do you move around the world?

Where are you off balance?

Here are some qualities of masculinity and femininity. Where do you sit?

Masculine energy:

Direct, focused, determined, conscious, strong, protective, goal-based, analytical, assertive, organized, striving, structured, and expansive.

Feminine energy:

Intuitive, surrendered, receptive, receiving, patient, soft, compassionate, nurturing, emotional, empathetic, flowing, and magnetic.

Reflect on your possible imbalances, and devise steps you're willing to take this month to cultivate more flow (feminine), or action (masculine), in order to live more with more authenticity from the inside out...



Here is an article that discusses this more!

The Wisdom Within: Sacred Masculine and Sacred Feminine


What It Means to Be Trauma-Informed in Therapy.


Lost and Found